

At times in my life, I have felt a fear, that if I follow God I might lose the things I love -this of course is a lie from the devil-. God created us for good works, and not works done by our power, but by his! And because of him we are saved; By his grace I am saved (and that is a thing of wonder). I think that many people have felt this fear as I have, but there is no need for it! in fact, we should rejoice! God created us, and that means that we are his design. Each person is a unique reflection of God; the same way a painting reflects the artist who painted it. When God saves us, he does just that, he saves "us"; He takes what he planted in us and grows it, and he takes the bad things and destroys them. When you follow Jesus, you grow into what you would love to be!

I have found this to be true in life, that as I grow into the calling that God has given me, I see more and more of the things that I have dreamed of come into fruition. God gives good gifts, even ones we had no idea we would like! I never knew that I would love to sing and play guitar (I was an introverted child). I never thought I would travel the world, and I never thought I would be a full time missionary...but slowly and surely God put people, and places, and events into motion around me, that would nudge me on to my next step of faith. I think God does this for all his children, if we let him.

The more time you spend with him, the more you love him. God is good.

My name is Christian Savage, I am a missionary on the island of Kauai. I love to surf, skate, and hike, and I have a heart for spreading the love of God to the unreached people groups of the world. I work full time with Youth With A Mission, a non-profit, non-paid organization (we raise our own support). I can honestly say that the power of Jesus Christ is the only thing that sustains me. My hopes in creating this blog, is to share with you the random joys of a life pursued by God.

Yours truly, Savage. 

Hanalei bay, fall 2014 (beach BBQ outreach)


  1. Loved this, and your heart! So excited to see where God takes you this year!

  2. cannot wait to see where God takes you next...
